adminer access

GPS-9113 months ago

I have secured my website with HTTPS, and it is working as expected.
i am trying to use Adminer.php for managing mysql DB and placed the adminer.php file in a subdirectory named adminer (var/www/html/adminer/adminer.php)
However, when I try to access Adminer using the URL, I encounter a blank page.

        <Location "/adminer">
            ProxyPass http://localhost/adminer
            ProxyPassReverse http://localhost/adminer
            Require all granted

for some reasons i am unable to post full config code here due to it gives me error forbidden.

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

How is this question related to Traccar server?

GPS-9113 months ago

oh forget to write that its happing after enabling SSL and for some reason i am not able to use anything else besides traccar web portal