alarm test (moving vehicle)

Adrien2 years ago

to experiment with the operation of alarms in Traccar, I proceed as follows :
--I created a calculated attribute of type alarm since the FMB120 of teltonika does not generate an alarm
--then I create the expression expression io240 > 0 ? "movement" : null

I don't get any alarm. Please correct me


Cristian2 years ago

assigns the movement notification to the device without creating a computed attribute, and tests

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Looks like the attribute you're trying to use is missing. You need to check for that.

Adrien2 years ago


thank you. i corrected it like this: motion==true? "movement": null and everything works.
how to trigger the alarms located in the "Notification" menu without passing the "calculated attributes"?


Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Your device has to report them.

Byron a year ago

@adrien, i see in computed atributes you have vibration can you share that attribute i am just starting with fmb120 and fmb130