All Location Providers won't work without turning ON GPS

Dee Son7 years ago

Hi Anton,

It seems that all location providers won't work without GPS. I still need to turn ON my GPS for them to work, including Network Provider option. I have a strong LTE data connection by the way and can browse the web. I tried turning ON my phone's wifi as well as a secondary connection to see if it works, but to no avail. Location is still not sent to the server. But with GPS turned on, they sure are received on demo.traccar.og

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I think you misunderstand how Android system works. Both GPS and network location providers are controlled by the same setting options on Android. When you say turn OFF your "GPS" you probably turning off all location providers, including network.

Dee Son7 years ago

Thanks Anton. I think I need to study more about GPS. I was researching a few resources online and read about "network and passive" providers that don't need to have GPS chip to work:

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Network provider doesn't require GPS chip obviously. What I'm saying is that the location switch in Android is responsible for all location providers.

Dee Son7 years ago

Got cha.