Android App frequency report based on device GPS speed.

alexsahka2 years ago

Is this possible to auto-change the frequency location report based on a device's GPS speed?

For example, when walking, driving, or flying, the app will report more often if the speed is lower (with the lowest speed every x minutes).
There is no problem with walking or driving but as soon as the device speed increases > 100MPH (fly speed) the app is start spamming the traccar server.

Or maybe I'm missing something.


Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You can't change frequency, but you can enable reporting by distance.

alexsahka2 years ago

The distance while walking and flying is not equal, in terms of precision, when walking nicely to have a report every 300 ft or so. But when flying every 15-20 miles is ok, right?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I see. I guess we don't have anything for that yet.

Maxen2 years ago

An option to change GPS tracking frequency would be also quite nice in order to change the sampling if battery is going low. E.g.

100-50% battery = sampling every 10s
50-30% battery = sampling every 20s
30-10% battery = sampling every 60s
<10% battery = sampling every 120s