Any way to change max zoom level on OSM?

Nikiu6 years ago

Sorry if this is a repost, I searched but couldn't find any info.

I have approximately 130 vehicles and one parking space. When I try to see which vehicles are parked at any given moment, the vehicles names overlap and it looks like a cloud of gibberish. OpenStreetMaps offers a slightly deeper zoom level on their website while Traccar offers max 18 zoom level. Any way to push this any further?

![Attached an example of what I encounter.]("Attached an example of what I encounter.")

Thanks in advance.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

It would require modifying web app source code.

Nikiu6 years ago

Any chance of getting that in the next update? Or maybe clues on how to intervene myself? Any specific file I should edit?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You can modify it in Styles.js file, but you need to compile web app after that.

There was a good reason behind the choice, so I'm not sure that it's a good idea to change it. We picked the value that work for almost all available maps out there. If we put it higher, on some maps you will see empty screen on high zoom levels.

Nikiu6 years ago

Thanks for the explanation. I really appreciate it.