API get positions broken.

Leif Neland4 years ago

I use postman to test the api, but usually I use node-red
I have just pulled the latest docker image, does no change.

I used to have this return positions: http://traccar:8082/api/positions
But this now returns NullPointerException (... < DateUtil:63 < PositionResource:80 < ...)
This should return this: "Without any params, it returns a list of last known positions for all the user's Devices."

If I call http://traccar:8082/api/positions?from={{fromdate}}&to={{todate}} ( where the dates are javascript .toISOString() )
I only get accuracy;address;altitude;course;deviceId;deviceTime;fixTime;id;latitude;longitude;network;outdated;protocol;serverTime;speed;type;valid;attributes;
/api/devices and /api/geofences work as expected; sends json

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Are you sending Accept header? This has been discussed countless number of times.

Leif Neland4 years ago

The accept header is "*/*", both on /api/devices which return json and on /api/positions, which appearently returns csv.

Ok; I added the Accept: application/json, and now I get json, if I specify a device and times.

        "id": 1554044,
        "attributes": {
            "signal": "F",
            "distance": 6058426.02,
            "totalDistance": 3.058247092E8,
            "motion": true
        "deviceId": 4,
        "type": null,
        "protocol": "xexun",
        "serverTime": "2020-08-31T01:01:49.000+0000",
        "deviceTime": "2020-08-31T01:01:45.000+0000",
        "fixTime": "2020-08-31T01:01:45.000+0000",
        "outdated": false,
        "valid": true,
        "latitude": 60.069095,
        "longitude": -112.08195666666667,
        "altitude": 0.0,
        "speed": 104.89,
        "course": 276.65,
        "address": "Northwest Territories, CA",
        "accuracy": 0.0,
        "network": null

My Landcruiser is at the mecanics workshop, but in Denmark, not Canada. I guess I need a new tracker.

Adding the Accept-header might have been discussed before, but the API docs just say json is the default.
And it is not logical that the position need the Accept, but the two other endpoints doesn't

The raw /api/positions now also returns json if I add the Accept-header

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Please point to the API doc. It might need to be updated.

Leif Neland4 years ago

What do you know....

The /api/positions doesn't have a default content-type.
The /api/reports doesn't have a default content-type.
The rest have "Uses default content-types: application/json"

Also the header say

Base URL: /api, Version: 4.10

Default request content-types: application/json
Default response content-types: application/json
Schemes: http

It is not very obvious that only these two endpoints require an Accept-header.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Feel free to update the doc.

Leif Neland4 years ago

It is strange, because I don't have a direct way of setting the Accept-header from node-red, and it used to work.
And now it works again, without the accept-header, both from node-red and from Postman test suite.

I don't like things being dependent of the phase of the moon or uninitialized items in memory...

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

If you don't want undefined behavior you have to provide Accept header.

Leif Neland4 years ago

Okay... I don't see where update the docs.

But how about "Warning: Unlike the 54 other api-calls, this doesn't have a default value for the output format. If an Accept-header is not provided, the call may randomly fail or work"

Or better yet: Make these calls behave like all the others and as the api-header say; return json unless otherwise requested.

Leif Neland4 years ago

And before this turns into a shout and shit-throwing contest: I should have gone to bed hours ago. Good night, whenever that's appropriate for you.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Make these calls behave like all the others and as the api-header say; return json unless otherwise requested.

I with it was possible, but unfortunately it's not. That would be my preference as well.

You can update API documentation here:
