Change IMEI (Still Traccar 3.2 / recieves data for the IMEI not in db)

jaimzj8 years ago

Dear Anton,

A small scneario, I noticed today.

  1. There is a device with ID 'x' and uniqueId 'xyz'
  2. At a given time, I updated the uniqueId 'xyz' to 'pqr' for this device.
  3. The new device with 'pqr' started sending and traccar started reciving and storign data for 'pqr' against deviceId 'x' (as expected normally.)
  4. However, I noticed that when device with unqique ID 'pqr' was switched of, even while the uniqueId is 'pqr', device 'xyz' was pushing data to the server, and instead of listing it as unknown device, traccar was storing these data against deviceId 'x' .

Any idea why? My log files are huge to take out, but I believe this might be a minor bug?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Traccar caches the list of devices, so it takes some time when you change unique ids to update the cache.