command to gps

GaryLog2 years ago

good morning, and thank you all for your time,

I am quite lost in the commands to the gps, I ask to have an idea and continue investigating, in the supposed case of an engine shutdown to a tk103 and a gt906, what would be the command to put on the server button? how are they also differentiated one of the other

thanks for your help

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Are they using different protocols? If yes, then there are completely separate pipelines with commands processing for each protocol.

If they are using the same protocol, but the command format is different, you need to handle it in the encoder. One way is to check model name.

GaryLog2 years ago

maybe I explained it wrong, I rethink, what would be the text to put in the data box if (let's suppose it is a coban tk103 gps) I just want it to activate its engine shutdown, I mean the custom command box-send command that is above of the devices in te web app

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

That's something you need to ask the device vendor. They might have some documentation.