Commando to renew traccar cache

Jose B5 years ago

Is there a command to refresh the traccar cache (reload from database data)?
Today I am stopping and starting the traccar service to do it.


I use "<entry key='database.historyDays'>" and "<entry key='database.positionsHistoryDays'>" in my configuration, but only is cleaning position history. so I am clean direct on database [daily].


Anton Tananaev5 years ago

What else do you need to clean?

Jose B5 years ago

+"Event history", as described on traccar documentation. I am doing it manually only because positions is being cleaning

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

By default Traccar clears both positions and event history. Why is it not working?

Jose B5 years ago

I don't know. when I have looked the database I have noticed that.

So I start to clear manually