commands help

Fabian3 years ago

Hello, I am using LoRa trackers and through node-red and the osmand protocol sent the positions to traccar, it works perfectly, my question is if I can send commands through osmand and how and where can I see them to capture them with node-red and send them to the device? Any clues or help is welcome. I use traccar 4.12. Thank you for your time!

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You can send commands through OsmAnd if you are using the latest version of Traccar. Not sure if it's available in 4.12.

You will receive those commands in HTTP response. Basically you send location data in request and you receive a queued command in response, if there's any.

Fabian3 years ago

Thank you very much Anton, you have been very kind. Thank you for your time

Ronaldo3 years ago

Hello Fabian,
Can you share which LoRa device you are using and how you coded OSMAND on node-red?

Fabian2 years ago

Hello, i use nodered, on nodered fórum you have info