Computed Attributes in Demo version

pastilhas7 months ago

Hello I'm using traccar demo version and want to ask if this version supports computed attributes?

I will do a rollout on a VPS, but I would like to test computed attributes first. Somehow I can't add them in the demo version.

Thank you

Anton Tananaev7 months ago

There are no different versions of Traccar. Demo servers do support computed attributes, but you have to be admin to add them.

pastilhas7 months ago

So technically if I'm using demo3 server, since I am not an admin and just using it to demo, I cannot add them? Or how would I do to make it possible to add the attributes?

Thank you very much, new to the platform but loving it, if I can do a few tweaks using the computed attributes it would be awesome.

Anton Tananaev7 months ago

Yes, you cannot add them on demo.

pastilhas7 months ago

Thank you very much, I'll rollout a version on my server for testing.