could use the osrm reverse geocode?

jbosco7 years ago

Very good, I installed an opensource server for the maps and I would like to user its reverse geocode function in traccar. I can use it? as?
It is the server:


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I don't see any API that return address there. Am I missing something?

jbosco7 years ago

Hello, this example calculate route in this waypoints,

curl ",37.1957600000;-3.7700200000,37.1835900000?overview=false&alternatives=false&steps=false"

but, result i have:

{"waypoints":[{"location":[-3.622216,37.195821],"name":"Plaza de Europa","hint":"j-8AgP___38AAAAADQAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0AAAAQAAAAAAAAAIYSAAC4usj_LZA3AoK6yP_wjzcCAgDfB8WyuAs="},{"location":[-3.77002,37.183604],"name":"","hint":"jqwAgLrIR4AYAAAAFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAAAABQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIYSAABcecb_dGA3Alx5xv9mYDcCAACvBcWyuAs="}],"routes":[{"distance":14632.4,"duration":790.1,"weight":790.1,"weight_name":"routability","legs":[{"distance":14632.4,"duration":790.1,"weight":790.1,"summary":"","steps":[]}]}],"code":"Ok"}

location with name street

i can use this in your software?


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

That's not really reverse geocoding service and this format is not supported at the moment.

jbosco7 years ago

Ok thanks