Creation of Geocercas

Fabian7 years ago

I have version 10.2 of the server
But apparently in the web interface, I mark an error when creating a GeoCerca
You could tell me what my mistake is or it is not working well
Maybe I'm wrongly adding a data
I leave the screenshot of my error in the link

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

There is no version 10.2. Where did you get this number?

Looks like you are trying to put some invalid data into the calendar field.

Fabian7 years ago

Sorry I had a mistake, I meant the server 3.10
Apparently the data I try to add it in different ways like these for example: "03-06-2017", "2017-06-03", or could you tell me how to put the values please

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You have to select existing Calendar from the drop-down menu. You can't just write a random value there. You can also leave it empty if you don't want to limit the geozone time.