Custom commands user-side.

Richard Acosta3 years ago

Hello again, I'm not being able to get it done, and still could'nt find documentation about it.

I'm trying to set a custom command, so the user can send certain value to his device. Lets say I program "time" and user can set time whenever he wants. I can't find how to let comand "open" so user can add only the real time on its command.
Or, set a contact on it's watch, or the SOS number.
There's the ability to do it, but values to send must be "hardcoded" in the command, while I need the user be able to send a value of his desire.
And also, I can't let users be able to send any and every command, i'm enabling certain commands depending on device and user.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

What you're asking is currently not supported.