Custom geodecoder

Leif Neland4 years ago

In Denmark we have the public API

It returns

  "id": "0a3f5089-c51f-32b8-e044-0003ba298018",
  "status": 1,
  "darstatus": 3,
  "vejkode": "8022",
  "vejnavn": "Stavkærvej",
  "adresseringsvejnavn": "Stavkærvej",
  "husnr": "86",
  "supplerendebynavn": "Thorup",
  "postnr": "5220",
  "postnrnavn": "Odense SØ",
  "stormodtagerpostnr": null,
  "stormodtagerpostnrnavn": null,
  "kommunekode": "0461",
  "x": 10.48426028,
  "y": 55.33118031,
  "href": "",
  "**betegnelse**": "Stavkærvej 86, Thorup, 5220 Odense SØ"

betegnelse is the item to be displayed, if it should not be built from the individual data items
Can that be configured directly in traccar?

Or should I write a proxy to transform its output to one of the standards implemented in traccar?
I should probably modify the output to omit the house number if the input location is more than x meters from the found address.

As this is only valid in Denmark, if I make a proxy, it should check if the location is in Denmark, and fallback to another locater.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

It can't be used directly, but you can add a new geocoder class.