(Demo server) Report route traccar, some points go straight and off road.

DaveGG2 years ago

I'm use demo server, in the traccar route report I can see that there are jumps or straight paths.
Today I took a trip with my ZX303 topin set to port 5199 of demo3 port and let's see what it looks like. Attached capture image.
I driving for the road obviously (red marck), but traccar route go straight and off road. I have web: live length route in 50

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Traccar shows whatever your device reported.

DaveGG2 years ago

Ok, I need BEST antena. Thnks

Richard Acosta2 years ago

Check your device documentation (search for similars) some devices save data on internal memory when losing signal and they report the whole trip when connected.

Check for similars, because some times some vendors will not disclose some functions and there's some "hidden" command to enable such thing. (happened to me)