device connections are not saved

tristeca year ago


I have a Traccar server running where I have encountered a problem. Changes to the device connections are not saved e.g. the linking with geo fences. My user have admin permissions.

In the log I see the following events:

2022-12-15 11:27:42  INFO: user: 2, action: link, owner: device, id: 1, property: geofence, id: 2
2022-12-15 11:27:43  INFO: user: 2, action: edit, object: device, id: 1
2022-12-15 11:28:00  INFO: user: 2, action: edit, object: device, id: 1

However, the changes do not arrive in the database:

mysql> select * from tc_devices where id=1\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                 id: 1
               name: iPhone
           uniqueid: 12345678
         lastupdate: 2022-12-14 21:27:18
         positionid: 696
            groupid: NULL
         attributes: {}
              phone: NULL
              model: NULL
            contact: NULL
           category: NULL
           disabled: 0x00
             status: offline
        geofenceids: NULL
     expirationtime: NULL
        motionstate: 0x00
         motiontime: NULL
     motiondistance: 0
     overspeedstate: 0x00
      overspeedtime: NULL
overspeedgeofenceid: 0
1 row in set (0,01 sec)

mysql> select * from tc_geofences where id=2\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 2
       name: TestZone
description: NULL
       area: POLYGON ((51.07726335905008 13.753570691341679, 51.07366189080696 13.75387521009256, 51.073605615641355 13.76353024575593, 51.078940197056056 13.763691461565287, 51.07851255286806 13.753803558621826, 51.07726335905008 13.753570691341679))
 attributes: {}
 calendarid: NULL
1 row in set (0,01 sec)

Interestingly, I have the same problem on the website
Do you have any idea what this could be? Or am I doing something wrong?

best regards

Anton Tananaeva year ago

I think your confusing linking geofences to devices and current geofences that the device is in. The latter is shown in the device API, not the former.

tristeca year ago

Mhh ok, I want to define a geofence and be alerted when the device leaves it.

For this I created a geofence and a notification of the "type: Geofence exited" for all devices.
Then I tried to assign the geofence to the device via the connections parameter.

Is that not correct?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

If you're trying to set geofenceids for that, that's not how you do it. You need to use permissions API instead. I would recommend checking what the official app does.

tristeca year ago

Sorry, perhaps I have expressed myself incomprehensibly. I currently only use the web interface and would like to configure the geofence there for a device. I checked the database only for error analysis.



When I configure the device I can select the geofence.
Device - ready to save

But when I press the Save button, the changes are apparently not saved. Because when I open the device properties again the configured geofence is gone.
Device - Geofence not saved

Anton Tananaeva year ago

In that case you were using the wrong places to check errors. Connections are stored in linking tables, not in the device or geofence table.

Anyway, it is expected that the connection field is empty until you click on it. We want to avoid preloading all the data to avoid excessive number of API calls.

tristeca year ago

Ah ok, thanks for the explanation! I just tested it, the mapping between device and geofence is saved correctly.