Device Expiration

Krishna5 years ago

Hello Anton,
I checked for the device expiration in Traccar 4.2.
And I had found only the users.defaultExpirationDays option.
Is this user expiration or device expiration?
Pls guide me on Device expiration.
Thank You.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

I think the answer is pretty obvious from the name.

Dariusz5 years ago

why not...
user has expiration date, why not to set for device expiration (after date status -> expired)?

Pratik Sharma5 years ago

Device Expiration must be included the way we have the User's expiration

hceccacci4 years ago

Is there anybody who knows if there is any forecast to implement this feature?

M. Najm4 years ago

@hceccacci, have you found any way to make the expiry date for devices as well?