Device stop updating when not moving in debug version

Shifa7 months ago

I tried traccar client android app

  1. with play store version - test1
  2. debug version - test2

The play store version updates location even when device is not moving, but the debug version updates only when device is moving, Why?

Anton Tananaev7 months ago

Are you building the Google flavor?

Shifa7 months ago

No I’m not able to build google flavor, as there is no json file in git code.
So I downloaded from play store

Anton Tananaev7 months ago

Obviously you have to provide your own JSON.

Shifa7 months ago

Ok , I will do that
But what is causing this difference.

Anton Tananaev7 months ago

Location provider is different, so that could be one of the reasons.

Shifa7 months ago

Ok, instead of adding goggle flavor, in my code not the above one ,I replaced the location manager code (debug) with fused code(google). Is it ok to do that or the flavor part is handling something more than this ,to better add it?