Email notification for specific devices

Julian L5 years ago

Sorry for the n00b question, I've only just installed this a couple of days ago. Very impressed so far!

I've read the notification documentation, but it doesn't seem to cover how to setup email notifications for specific devices. I have the SMTP server configured and working, and can get notifications for all devices, but not specific ones. For example how would I get an email notification for the ignition being turned on for my motorbike, but not the car? I assume this is via the 'Attributes' section of the notification configuration? I've tried setting it up with 'Name' and the name of the device, but that doesn't seem to work (and it was an educated guess on my part).

Any and all help appreciated, Thanks! :)

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

You can link notifications to specific devices.

Julian L5 years ago

Thanks, I was sure the software can do it, I just don't have a clue how. Is there a section of the documentation you can point me to? Like I said, I've never used this software before, so sorry if this seems really obvious to someone who knows the software inside out!

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

From Devices panel click Settings > Notifications.

Julian L5 years ago

So I think you're saying that I create a notification from the settings/notification menu from the map pane, then I need to attach a notification to a specific device from the device pane?

Anton Tananaev5 years ago


Julian L5 years ago

Perfect, thank you! :)