Email set.

jovi6 years ago

good afternoon anton
Is there the possibility of creating an account without an email for access, but if you configure an email to receive notifications?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Email address is used for login. I'm not sure I understand the question.

visiondrive6 years ago

Jovi is asking if you can have a login which is not based on an email address rather just a name (like the admin one when you first install Traccar).

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Only if you are using LDAP integration. Default "admin" is actually email address, it's just invalid email address. From admin interface you can create user with any text as email address. There is no check for a validity of the address.

visiondrive6 years ago

Noted but in this case jovi wants to have a non email address login (possible as we know) but then have a notification email address for the same account - this is not possible as far as I know as this email is then used for the notifications and becomes the login detail too.