Empty export files

wifi9637 years ago


I have a problem with empty export files. Only summary file has table with information. Others don't have anything.... I checked /templates/export folder and there are four files, each one for specyfic kind of report. I can open them with LibreOffice ora OpenOffice but if I create report using this templates, the files are empty. I use 3.10 version of server.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago
  1. Have you modified those files? Note that just opening them in OpenOffice might modify the file.

  2. What do you mean by empty? No records or nothing at all?

  3. Do same reports work in the web interface?

wifi9637 years ago

No, I do not modified.
There are not records. In web interface I got complete reports.

Best Regards,

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Both reports use the same logic, so the data should be exactly the same.

wifi9637 years ago

Hi Anton,

Actually, I have never seen before, projects like yours, which is very, very good with professional support and documentation.

 I think, that problem with export files (events, trips, track) is because,  I use polish names of streets, so there are many letters like ą,ę,ć.... When I create summary export files there are not any polish letters and this report is ok. I had to change coding MySQL base to UTF8_polish, and now I see names of street. Actually, before when the street had polish kind of letters , it could't put them into MySQL base. What I should to do with it?

 I saw another problem. Summary engin time in trips  kind of report is not the same as summary engine time in summary kind of report. I am talking about web reports ofcourse. I think, that all things in trips kind of report is good and it's agree with real, but in summary kind of report, real is trip but engin time is not.

 Which devices do you recommend to works witch this server? I used to use TK103-2B, but I have problem, that sometimes they can't send information about Ignition, but sometink they can. I don't know what is about.... TK103-2B are good, because I can program them a condition, that they can send position for every 15s , when the ignition is on, but for only for every 10 minutes, when ignition is off. But system sometimes shows me a good information about ignition, but usually not... I think, that it depends what device is it. I would find two kind of devices, a simple one like TK103-2B, but without any problems, and more advanced which send me some more information (fuel level, voltage, alarm..)

Best Regards,

wifi9637 years ago

I forgot, I put all kind of report and only summary is ok, else have empty records.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Let's solve problems one by one. If you think it's because of the address, try to get a report for the period where you didn't have an address.

wifi9637 years ago

Yes, good way to check. I found a small period time, 1 minute track without any polish letters, but track report is still empty(web report contains 4 positions but exported file not) , only summary report is ok...

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Please provide MD5 hashes for your Excel template files.

wifi9637 years ago

I am looking , but I dont see where to change it. I should open template and change something?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You don't need to change anything. I just want to know MD5 hash of the files.

wifi9637 years ago

Yes, Now I know.
events.xlsx - 4212AE1BF55CA53D6C438266145ACCFF
route.xlsx - 5CBB933DC37BD76EBA56E4F47CC8C820
summary.xlsx - A5621DB804149ED9C831C4D4DAF0C1FC
trips.xlsx - 016B0A4ED191AF01193FE5A2E20AA2B9

I generated them with this site:

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Those numbers look fine. I'm not sure what the problem is. Can I have access to the web interface to check myself?

wifi9637 years ago

I send you on support@traccar.org

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I found the problem. Apparently square brackets in the name caused issues in the Excel report.