EngineHours not calculation after installing V6.1

Theerayuttua month ago

We found that there is no engine hours calculation after installing V6.1
But only devices that don't report ignition directly and use Computed attributes instead,

in3 ? true : false

but hours is not continue count when ignition is yes.
Does it need to be any config else? (but V5.12 doesn't have this problem)

data in route report
route report

Anton Tananaeva month ago

Engine hours are calculated before computed attributes.

Theerayuttua month ago

Oh, this is changed on V6.1 right?
before this version it calculated normally.
It ok, this old tracker devices. actually we plan replace it.

Not sure another way Can we rollback server to previous version?

Anton Tananaeva month ago

No, this has not changed recently, as far as I know.

Theerayuttua month ago

This is data before installing the V6.1 The engine hours is still counted.

Description text

I will try rollback to previous version.
Thank you.

tecseguridada month ago

Hello, I've noticed the same issue. Have you found any solution? After reviewing the reports, I've noticed that since the update from 5.12 to 6.1, the engine hours have stopped working, despite the ignition event being detected. I haven't made any other modifications apart from the update. Regards.

BOKGa month ago

Greetings, after updating to the latest version, I started experiencing the same issue. I noticed it after requesting a vehicle route report. I would like to know what could be causing this inconvenience or where to start looking for a solution.

tecseguridada month ago

Since the update from 5.12 to 6.1, the engine hours have stopped working, despite the ignition event being detected. Any clues?


Anton Tananaeva month ago

I think it might be related to attribute copying. Are you using it by any chance?

tecseguridada month ago

Yes im using it like this since 5.12

<entry key="processing.copyAttributes.enable">true</entry>
<entry key='processing.copyAttributes'>event,batteryLevel,power,battery,ignition,cc,door,motion,vibration,result,status,driverUniqueId</entry>

Should i remove ingnition value?

Anton Tananaeva month ago

It explains why it sort of worked for you before.

tecseguridada month ago

I don't understand, and explain why it doesn't work now in 6.1?

Anton Tananaeva month ago

Attribute copying is now done after hours calculation. What I suspect you had before was you re-used last ignition value instead of the current one. That's why I said that it "sort of" worked before. It was incorrect because you were always using old value.

tecseguridada month ago

Ok tahk you, I understand, and the "processing.copyAttributes" parameter is disabled by default, I suppose.

tecseguridada month ago

Unfortunately, I have disabled copyAttributes and it still does not add up the engine hours.