error adding device

ubiteca year ago

Greetings, I have the master user (we call it level 1) in that user I created user 2 with permission for 100 devices and 100 users) (level2) without admin permission but also without any lock or checked box, now I create user 3 (level 3)from there but in that user appears this error, and it does not let me set devices or user limits, everything comes out in 0, the only way to add devices is from user 2 and pass them, if I remember correctly in version 5.3 (I'm in 5.5) it allowed me to do it, that is The subadmin for calling like it had a limit and could distribute it among his minor users, the error is this Write access denied - SecurityException (PermissionsService:118 < *:125 < BaseObjectResource:69 < ...)

Anton Tananaeva year ago
ubiteca year ago

i think this explains me better

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Have you read the page?

ubiteca year ago

Yes, I read it, and in version 5.3 that I had installed until 1 week ago, the manager could create managers using their vehicle capacity given by the admin, in a few days I access the snaphot and I put proof of it

Anton Tananaeva year ago

If it was possible, it was a bug that's now fixed.