error - none of the tokens can be null or empty - IllegalArgumentException

jafar habibi4 months ago

the server closes the connection when the firebase notifications is empty.
there is workaround to filtered out empty notification tokens in traccar-web. but the issue persists in backend. so some people who use custom app will encounter errors.

2024-01-09 07:10:29  INFO: [Tc1df6a3c] connected
2024-01-09 07:10:29  INFO: [Tc1df6a3c: teltonika < *.*.*.*] 000f383637343030303334383933323334
2024-01-09 07:10:29  INFO: [Tc1df6a3c: teltonika > *.*.*.*] 01
2024-01-09 07:10:31  INFO: [Tc1df6a3c: teltonika < *.*.*.*] 000000000000005b08020000018ced098bb8001e9a566015476740150002420ac1b6001200000200000371
2024-01-09 07:10:32  INFO: [Tc1df6a3c] error - none of the tokens can be null or empty - IllegalArgumentException (..
2024-01-09 07:10:33  INFO: [Tc1df6a3c] error - none of the tokens can be null or empty - IllegalArgumentException (..
2024-01-09 07:10:33  INFO: [Tc1df6a3c] disconnected
Anton Tananaev4 months ago

And please don't duplicate your posts next time.