events are not sent to websocket (nor these were previously sent without a mod)

mbodea2007a year ago

with previous version I could add user events to websocket adding a line in NotificationManager,

                for (String notificator : notificators) {
                    Context.getNotificatorManager().getNotificator(notificator).sendAsync(userId, event, position);


              // send event to websocket
                Context.getConnectionManager().updateEvent(userId, event);

but witht he new version, I don't know how to properly import ConnectionManager into NotificationManager to send the events to websocket...
(I have <entry key='notificator.types'>web,mail,firebase</entry> in traccar.xml)

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Events are sent to WebSocket for me.

dkastla year ago

I had the same problem, that events were not sent through Websocket API.

The solution is, that you need to enable notification for "Web" as well. This will then also send "events" through Websocket API.