Example of using this new feature (Automatic command triggering by events)

Turbovixa year ago

Hey guys,
Could someone give an example of how to use this new feature in version 5.7 (Automatic command triggering by events), thanks in advance.

Turbovixa year ago

For example, I need a logic that is:
when an X device leaves an X geofence, the system triggers the command to block the vehicle.
Based on that I can do the others.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

It's basically a type of notification. Instead of, for example "email", you select "command" notification. Instead of sending a notification it will send the command.

Turbovixa year ago

Thanks Anton for the feedback.
After adding "command" to the traccar.conf file (<entry key='notificator.types'>web,mail,telegram,traccar,command</entry>), the option became available in notifications, but I noticed that there is no way to determine a specified geofence or even a time for such trigger action.
Maybe in the next versions, thanks and success!

Anton Tananaeva year ago

There's no way to specify geofence, but you can limit notifications time by using calendar. It was always available.