Expand to screen size

AnduriƱo7 years ago

Expand to screen size, after turning the device (Android V 5.1)

Traccar Manager App:

Browser Google Chrome:

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I have just tested on Android 5.1 and it works fine. It takes a few seconds to rotate, but it does rotate. Probably your device is just slow and you have to wait a bit more.

AnduriƱo7 years ago

I just checked it again, and I think we both have a part of reason

ManagerApp rotates and expands when we first access the reports screen.

Now we go into report settings, select a device and confirm.

Then ManagerApp only rotates the screen, but does not expand it.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Looks like it's another bug in ExtJS library.