Forward raw data

orcas3 years ago

Is it possible to forward websocket data to another server? I am using my device with traccar but I would like to forward all comms between device and traccar with the manufacturer server so I can use traccar and also the manufacturer interface. Is this possible? Thanks

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

There's forwarding available. Check documentation.

orcas3 years ago

Yes, I know I can forward decoded data. Is it possible to forward raw data, I.e. the same data we receive?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You can use database.saveOriginal to save raw data as an attribute.

orcas3 years ago

Yes I have checked that. Also saveempty. I have configured my device to send data to http://myserver:5013, and I would like to forward all data also to http://otherserver:7700. If I configure my device for the later, other server works. Is it possible to do this with traccar?

Gusa year ago

I noticed a new commit from 15hrs ago with description "raw data forwarding." Does that mean that functionality has been implemented? If yes, can you share documentation on how to use/test it? Thanks! Traccar is a great project.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Yes, it's implemented. Check the commit for the configuration details.

Peter Dimitrova year ago

Thank you for implementing such functionality, it really is useful, especially when using more than 1 servers for various reasons.
Do you plan on creating such functionality for specific devices only, not server-wide?
Also, do you think it will be possible to receive data to Traccar 1 on one port and then to redirect it to Traccar 2 on second port (different from the first one)?

PS: For the previous post, here is the commit:

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Don't have any active plans, but:

  1. Selecting specific devices to forward might be useful. I think we can implement something like this, but need to decide how it would work.
  2. Changing port number - I'm not so sure about. You can easily reroute ports using other tools, like iptables on Linux.

Feel free to create feature requests. Or if you want to contribute - even better.

Gusa year ago

Thank you again, Anton and Peter.

I tried adding the following entry to the configuration file and restarting the traccar service to start raw data forwarding but I'm not receiving any messages on my other server:

<entry key='server.forward'></entry>

The servers are on the same IP subnet and can ping each other. What am I missing? Is there any debug log I can enable?

Thanks in advance.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Any errors in the log? Are you sure you're using the latest version?

Gusa year ago

Sorry, I missed the following log message: (And yes, I've fully upgraded to 5.7.)

2023-04-27 19:10:29  WARN: Network forwarding error - Broken pipe - SocketException (... < NetworkForwarder:59 < NetworkForwarderHandler:60 < ...)

I think the problem might be on my receiving server. I'll do some more investigation.

Gusa year ago

Just to be sure: if on my receiving server I set up a websocket listening on port 5027 (for Teltonika devices), I should receive the raw data, correct?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

What WebSocket? It's not HTTP-based in any way.

Gusa year ago

Ok. Thanks! I apologize. I thought it was based on http for some reason. If it's a simple TCP connection (I'm using TCP with Teltonika) then I'll have to re-write my receiving server code.

One last question: the code mentions a PROTOCOL_PORT config key. Do I need to also have it in the configuration file? What happens if I don't?