Geofences Alerts - Traccar client configuration

EGMATICS3 years ago

Hello Anton, we sincerly need your help regarding this case urgently.

We had our own fleet management dashboard and we've gotton the device location (Lat,Long) from your extreme Traccar Client Android App and display it there in our dashboard - Our issue, we suddenly got almost 50 alerts per minute (Entering/Existing geofences per second) for the same device or truck.

Traccar Client App configuration:
Frequency: 10 sec
Distance: 25 m
Angle: 0

Please, check this screenshot >>>

We're thinking that, we got this invalid data that lead to tons of invalid GEOFENCE EMAIL ALERTS because of the traccar data or because we wouldn't do any verification or modification for the (Lat,Long data) we received from the traccar before displaying.

So Anton, this case happened for you before? What's your proposed solution? How can you help us? We don't have a problem to invest or pay you to overcome this syntax issue we had as w're using your traccar by the way.

Do you suggest better traccar configuration? Do you have any modifications in your traccar or logics we can fire in our dashboard before displaying the data of the device to prevent that?

Looking forward to hear back from you mate, thanks so much.


Anton Tananaev3 years ago

If you are interested in paid support you should contact us by email.

EGMATICS3 years ago

Yeah, i did.


EGMATICS3 years ago

Please, check your personal email.