Getting errors while trying to integrate devices using H02 protocol

Enirh6 years ago


I am getting the following log while trying to integrate a device using the H02 protocol. Please advice.

2018-02-06 11:37:18  INFO: [BC33B936] connected
2018-02-06 11:37:27 DEBUG: [BC33B936: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c3836353230353033313737363036342c56312c3139333732382c412c313235392e33333534392c4e2c30373734322e38373533382c452c362e39382c302c3036303231382c4646464646424646230d0a
2018-02-06 11:37:27  WARN: [BC33B936] error - org/traccar/helper/Parser$CoordinateFormat - NoClassDefFoundError (Parser:211 < H02ProtocolDecoder:254 < *:389 < ExtendedObjectDecoder:58 < ...)
2018-02-06 11:37:27  INFO: [BC33B936] disconnected
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Well, you are missing some Java classes which means something went wrong when you compiled project.

Enirh6 years ago

Where can I get the detailed stack trace of the errors ? The traccar-server.log has only the truncated message.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Stack trace is in the brackets. What exactly are you missing?

Enirh6 years ago

I did a rebuild and deployed again. Same issue. Not sure what the exact issue is. The classpaths look fine to me.

Enirh6 years ago

Any pointers here? I am still clueless why this is happening.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You are clearly missing a class. Have you checked your JAR file to see if it's there?