Getting invalid position data

Charmi Bansal5 years ago

I have applied filter

filter issue

I assume that it should filter invalid data and those invalid data should not enter in the position table of a traccar database.

I am getting invalid data (valid = 0) in position table, Either filter is not working or I am assuming wrong function of that filter, Can you please look into this matter ?

Do those invalid data affects in distance calculation ?

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Have you enable filtering? Have you restarted service?

Charmi Bansal5 years ago

Yes Anton, it is enabled since first day and after that so many times server restarted, still it is happening

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

It should filter invalid messages.

Charmi Bansal5 years ago

Correct, but in this way that filter is not working in my case, in fact I am getting zero coordinates as well while the is also applied.

I can not understand why these things are happening ?

zero location

I have described several other filter which I have applied already, Due to any of these that zero and invalid filter may malfunctioning ?

filter.skipAlarm --> true
filter.skipAlarm --> true
filter.skiplimit --> 240

Charmi Bansal5 years ago

Dear Anton,

Please help on this.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

I can't help you. You are clearly missing something. It's not possible to get zero coordinates written into the database with zero filtering.

Charmi Bansal5 years ago

Yes, it is not possible but it is happening, Can you please guide me to catch that exceptional case ?

If you need I can provide you the config file.

Actually I am not able to find out what things are being missed by me.