Google maps in server

loganayaki7 years ago

How to use Google maps instead of OpenstreetMaps

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can use their tile server as a custom map layer:

Make sure you get a proper license from Google first.

loganayaki7 years ago

now i am tracking using demo server. In demo server it is in Openstreetmaps. When i tried using Intellij Idea also it is in Openstreetmaps. So I want to change it, when i am running in Idea tool

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can select map type in the server or user settings. Are you asking how to change defaults?

loganayaki7 years ago

yes, I want to change default settings, that is when i connect all my devices through localhost server

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can change default in BaseMap class.

Global Trans7 years ago

Hello Anton
Is it possible to change the map dynamically? That is, allow the user to select the type of map, without having to refresh the entire site.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Currently it's not possible.

djginting6 years ago

bagaimana memasukan API google map? tolong bantuannya. Terima kasih banyak