gt06 does not work in traccar

Hello, I am using an alternative GT06 tracker device (Chinese), I am addressing it through port 5023, but it does not display in the web platform, I tried to add the attribute "gt06.alternative" but I do not see response, the same with the one attribute password, i don't see result either. I am using the latest version of the traccar, someone could help me,
n advance I will be grateful

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Have you followed troubleshooting guide?

Thank you for the prompt response, make a change in config, add the gt06.alternative key to true, but no solution, reopen port 5023 on the server and nothing, I do not see the device on the page. Where do I locate the problem guide?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

In the documentation.

anton ,, thank you very much, the solution was where you indicated, port 5002 and the ID putting zero before it, the solution is for the alternative model GT06 (Chinese). Thanks for the help

another problem is that it does not show the address

Reverse geocoding is not enabled - RuntimeException (ServerResource: 59 <...).

already enable in conf file, but nothing

Richard Acosta4 years ago

Reverse geocoding is not only enabling it, you need an account, an API key and a service providing it before your server can show it up..