Mph to kmh in tk103 protocol

Anth19806 years ago

Hi! I use vjoy tk5/tk10/tk20 equipments. They send speed in mph and not kmh. The speed in the platform is wrong.
Can i add any entry in the config file to convert speed mph to kmh. By the way the port is 5002 tk103 protocol.

Thanks in advance

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Yes, you can.

Anth19806 years ago

what is the entry that i add to the config file? Best regards

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You can set [protocol].speed to mph.

Anth19806 years ago

So, in the default.xml i add this <entry key='tk103.speed'>mph</entry>, right?

Thanks in advance

Anton Tananaev6 years ago


Anth19806 years ago
