Help to determine Average Fuel Consumption

Vitor Reis6 years ago

Hello Anton,

Continuing the discussion from this topic: (

As you suggested I am opening a new thread. I would just like to see on traccar the average fuel consumption in L/km or km/L from TK306 data.
As you required here are two samples of device messages with the OBD data provided.

Thank you

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I would need message samples that device sends to the server, not SMS messages.

Vitor Reis6 years ago

Hi Anton,

Sorry about the misunderstanding. Here are the data from the server log and how it appears on the Traccar web interface:

Thank you

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I need it HEX format and not as an image. I'm not going to manually type it in.

Vitor Reis6 years ago

Here it is.

HEX :imei:359718848977327,tracker,188381993932, ,F,893933.888,A,1256.699S,S,83823.8687,H,5.76,184.14, ,1_, ,62.75%, -888888,;
S: [48D9SFBZ] id: 359718848977327, time: 2818-83-81 89:39:33, lat: -'12.94349, lon: -38.3843S, Speed: 5.&, Luulsc. 184.1
tipo: tracker

HEX :imei:359718848977327,oBD,186381893933,5888888,8.88,8.88,79,7,49.88%,47,18.84%,959,14.34,,,,;

S: [48D9SFBZ] id: 359718848977327, time: 2818-83-81 89:39:33, lat: -12.94349, lon: -38.3843S, Speed: 5.8, course: 184.1
tipo: OBD
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Please read my comment more carefully.

Vitor Reis6 years ago

I miss understood again, but here it is:

[09:12, 2/3/2018] Lucas Bastos:

2018-03-01 09:39:34 DEBUG: [48095F82z 5001 <] HEX: 696d6569333335393731303034383937373332372c747261636b65722c3138303330313039333933322c2c462c3039333933333
2018-03-01 09:39:34 INFO: [48095F82] id: 359710048977327, time: 2018-03-01 09:39:33, lat: -12.94349, lon: -38.3843S, speed: 5.8, course: 184.1

2018-03-01 09:39:35 DEBUG: [48095F82z 5001 <] HEX: 696d6569333335393731303034383937373332372c4f42442c3138303330313039333933332c353030303030302c302e30302c$
2018-03-01 09:39:35 INFO: [48095F82] id: 359710048977327, time: 2018-03-01 09:39:33, lat: -12.94349, Ion: -38.38435, speed: 5.8, course: 184.1

2018-03-01 09:39:38 INFO: [84077084] connected

2018-03-01 09:39:38 “ARN: [84077084] error - For input string: ” S” - NumberFormatException (... < BasePipelineFactoryzl48 < ':135

2018-03-01 09:39:38 INFO: [84077084] disconnected

2018-03-01 09:39:52 DEBUG: [4809SF82: 5001 <] HEX: 696d6569383335393731303034383937373332372c747261636b65722c3138303330313039333934382c2c462c3039333935305
2018-03-01 09:39:52 INFO: [48095F82] id: 359710048977327, time: 2018-03-01 09:39:50, lat: -12.94422, Ion: -38.38426, speed: 9.3, course: 203.3

2018-03-01 09:40:04 DEBUG: [48095F82: 5001 <] HEX: 696d6569333335393731303034383937373332372c747261636b65722c3138303330313039343030322c2c462c3039343030333
2018-03-01 09:40:04 INFO: [4809SF82] id: 359710048977327, time: 2018-03-01 09:40:03, lat: -12.944S9, Ion: -38.38467, speed: 10.2, course: 229.7

2018-03-01 09:40:06 DEBUG: [48095F82z 5001 <] HEX: 696d6569383335393731303034383937373332372c4f42442c3138303330313039343030332c353030303030302c302e30302c$
2018-03-01 09:40:06 INFO: [48095F82] id: 359710048977327, time: 2018-03-01 09:40:03, lat: -12.94459, Ion: -38.38467, speed: 10.2, course: 229.7
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Some lines are cut off at the end.

Vitor Reis6 years ago

Sorry Anton, I think I got it right now!

2018-03-01 09:39:34 DEBUG: [48D95FB2: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3335393731303034383937373332372c747261636b65722c3138303330313039333933322c2c462c3039333933332e3030302c412c313235362e363039352c532c30333832332e303630372c572c352e37362c3138342e31342c2c312c2c36322e3735252c353030303030302c3b
2018-03-01 09:39:34  INFO: [48D95FB2] id: 359710048977327, time: 2018-03-01 09:39:33, lat: -12.94349, lon: -38.38435, speed: 5.8, course: 184.1

2018-03-01 09:39:35 DEBUG: [48D95FB2: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3335393731303034383937373332372c4f42442c3138303330313039333933332c353030303030302c302e30302c302e30302c37302c372c34392e3830252c34372c31382e3034252c3935392c31342e33342c2c2c2c3b
2018-03-01 09:39:35  INFO: [48D95FB2] id: 359710048977327, time: 2018-03-01 09:39:33, lat: -12.94349, lon: -38.38435, speed: 5.8, course: 184.1

2018-03-01 09:39:52 DEBUG: [48D95FB2: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3335393731303034383937373332372c747261636b65722c3138303330313039333934382c2c462c3039333935302e3030302c412c313235362e363533322c532c30333832332e303535382c572c392e33302c3230332e32362c2c312c2c36322e3335252c353030303030302c3b
2018-03-01 09:39:52  INFO: [48D95FB2] id: 359710048977327, time: 2018-03-01 09:39:50, lat: -12.94422, lon: -38.38426, speed: 9.3, course: 203.3

2018-03-01 09:40:04 DEBUG: [48D95FB2: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3335393731303034383937373332372c747261636b65722c3138303330313039343030322c2c462c3039343030332e3030302c412c313235362e363735342c532c30333832332e303830342c572c31302e31392c3232392e37312c2c312c2c36322e3335252c353030303030302c3b
2018-03-01 09:40:04  INFO: [48D95FB2] id: 359710048977327, time: 2018-03-01 09:40:03, lat: -12.94459, lon: -38.38467, speed: 10.2, course: 229.7

2018-03-01 09:40:06 DEBUG: [48D95FB2: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3335393731303034383937373332372c4f42442c3138303330313039343030332c353030303030302c302e30302c302e30302c39382c31382c36382e3633252c35352c32352e3130252c313336382c31342e32342c2c2c2c3b
2018-03-01 09:40:06  INFO: [48D95FB2] id: 359710048977327, time: 2018-03-01 09:40:03, lat: -12.94459, lon: -38.38467, speed: 10.2, course: 229.7
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Here are the attributes that I see in the last sample:

0 = {LinkedHashMap$Entry@2440} "odometer" -> "5000000"
1 = {LinkedHashMap$Entry@2441} "fuelConsumption" -> "0.0"
2 = {LinkedHashMap$Entry@2442} "hours" -> "98"
3 = {LinkedHashMap$Entry@2443} "obdSpeed" -> "18"
4 = {LinkedHashMap$Entry@2444} "engineLoad" -> "68.63%"
5 = {LinkedHashMap$Entry@2445} "coolantTemp" -> "55"
6 = {LinkedHashMap$Entry@2446} "throttle" -> "25.10%"
7 = {LinkedHashMap$Entry@2447} "rpm" -> "1368"
8 = {LinkedHashMap$Entry@2448} "battery" -> "14.24"
Vitor Reis6 years ago

What about the fuel level (62,75%) on the tracker data that appears here?

HEX: imei:359718848977327,tracker,188381993932, ,F,893933.888,A,1256.699S,S,83823.8687,H,5.76,184.14, ,1_, ,62.75%, -888888,;
S: [48D9SFBZ] id: 359718848977327, time: 2818-83-81 89:39:33, lat: -'12.94349, lon: -38.3843S, Speed: 5.&, Luulsc. 184.1
type: tracker
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I need original non-modified HEX sample.

Vitor Reis6 years ago

Here are two sequential data from the device with the fuel level in percentage at two different moments. I wanna use this data, with the tank volume and the distance, to calculate the average fuel consumption (L/km or Km/L).


Anton Tananaev6 years ago

So, your device doesn't report consumption. You want to calculate it. It might be possible with computed attributes, but you would need some technical knowledge to set it up.

Vitor Reis6 years ago

How do you suggest that I calculate it from this data available? I thought to use the computed attributes like this:

Attribute: Fuel or Fuel Consumption
Expression: io3*(Tank Volume)
Type: Number

I have tried using the fuel attribute and it did not work. Do you think there is a better way to calculate it or ir should have worked?