Help with Nominatim or Gisgraphy setup

kaykor7 years ago

I have tried to setup both of them in Windows 10 and failed miserably.

Can anyone point to an up to date and relevant how to?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

There is a good tutorial on how to set up Nominatim on a Linux server. Just Google for it if you are interested.

Installing it on Windows will be much more complicated, so you shouldn't try unless you absolutely know what you are doing. Why do you want to use Windows for it anyway?

kaykor7 years ago

I have a windows machine with traccar running on it 24/7, this has been running other than replacements and reboots for close to 20 years. The other 24/7 machine is Synology NAS, but I do not want to install anything on the native OS and had no luck with the docker images I tried. I could install on a Linux box but thats just one more running computer in my home office and will if I do not succeed on Windows 10. As I really like the distance parameter over the time parameter but does it every hammer the LocationIQ service, and that is with one device not the 20 I plan.

kaykor7 years ago

Well I give up, for 2 days I have followed outdated instructions for both Nominatim and Gisgraphy. Docker, Windows and Linux, I assume the instructions work back in 2014, but it is now 2017 and a few versions of everything is newer.

If anybody can point me in the direction of working instructions I would be very grateful. My understanding of Linux, postgresql, java etc... is limited, I'm normally able to follow directions and think a little out of the box...but not this time.

Nominatim tells you not to install as root, but then the user does not have access to write in all directories so chmod 777 which is not ideal, still doesn't work as the web server says not authorized when you go to the address. So what needs the permission changed?
Gisgraphy install instructions just do not work because the package are not available as written, so get updated packages and the commands that are written don't work as expected...

The only thing that holds open source back; is updated documentation..

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I have deployed Nominatim a few times earlier this year, so documentation is fine. There are some minor issues, but anyone who has Linux experience should be easily able to fix it.

We can help with deploying Nominatim for you. If you are interested, please send an email to support address.

kaykor7 years ago

Thank you Anton for the offer of help.

But I finally got a working version of it. Your response egged me on to figure it out, after all I have been doing computer support for 30 years and I do have Linux experience and Bell Unix experience. I have just never embraced them as I have said documentation on OSS is what holds Linux back. Unix was actually easier as it was normally program specific and there was only one way to do it.

My next hurdle is to get house numbers for Canada, any ideas?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Probably there is no way if OSM database doesn't have house numbers information for your area.

mohanand7 years ago

Hi kaykor,
Can you help me with installing this server on my windows server machine, I am facing some issues installing it,

Please if you can contact me on my email
or share some guide lines here.


kaykor7 years ago

Mohanand, I gave up on doing an install in windows directly. Went to a virtual environment on top of Windows and used vmware workstation and or virtualbox to install in Ubuntu 16.04 server. Works like a charm and is much easier to install. If you continue to install in Windows natively and get it to work, than make an install guide when you get it completed so others may follow.
I will post my install next week when finished doing another install writing down the steps as I go.