Help with Tracking Device

ralf7 years ago

Hello Anton,
this device works with another GPS tracking server, I just tested it and it's locating the device on the map with the attributes, for some reason on traccar I'm not getting the attribute and location data, I'm running out of ideas to figure out why, I tried a few configurations on my device, UDP, TCP, GPS settings a few report settings too, I'm not sure where to go from now, I tried it on the Traccar Demo Server and my CentOS server on Azure but on the traccar Devices section it just updates the time and date but the values on the attribute section are zero and the date is the default date I suppose "1969-12-31", do you have any suggestions on how I could dig in more into this to figure out why?, I really want to make it work on traccar. Thanks.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

@ralf, you should contact your device vendor and ask them why device doesn't report GPS location data.

ralf7 years ago

Hello Anton,

what I noticed it's that the device is actually sending location data, date, etc, to the Server, on the Tracker.log when I decode my HEX:


Coordinates = -113.816932,52.270990

The manufacturer of this device it's the same as the GL200 however I checked the documentation of mine and the length byte on some of the parameters are different than the GL200, would it be possible to go further into this and trying to make this device work on traccar?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Can I see the documentation? What are the differences?

ralf7 years ago

Hello Anton, I sent the documentation to your email at if thats okay for you, I'm afraid I cant share the documentation, let me know if that works, the subject of the email is "Device Protocol Documentation #14936"

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

What about my second question?

ralf7 years ago

Length byte
AT command GTBSI = GL200 has 4 Reserved parameters = 0 and the VL2000 are <= 1
At command GTSRI = GL200 has Reserved parameter = 0 and the VL2000 is <=1
Heartbeat interval = GL 200 <=3 and on the VL2000 <=5
The report mode range or format is different, GL200 is 0-5 and VL2000 0|1-6
a few more AT commands are different, I'm still comparing the parameters

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I would recommend to use something like this to compare:

ralf7 years ago

Thanks Anton, this device I'm using is actually the Prime PT, it's very similar, I added it to the spreadsheet and changed the differences on GTINF report info


let me know what you need to get this device up and running

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I don't see your device in the spreadsheet. Also, you need to make a comparison for different message type. In your example it's a GTMOV, not GTINF. Send me an email if you need help with implementation.

ralf7 years ago

Hello Anton,

I sent an email, subject is "Device Implementation Prime PT", other GPS devices worked on traccar, what do you think it would be the estimated time to try and fit in this device into traccar?, I'm not aware of how complicated it is.
