How can I filter the positions of RUPTELA 214.7483648, -214.7483648

I have the problem that the newly programmed device "RUPTELA" sends that position: 214.7483648, -214.7483648 with 255 satellites, I would like to know if someone has been able to filter this position, since it disappears the devices from the web interface and makes the traccar system slow, until the gps sends a valid position it is composed, and therefore it is necessary to be refreshing the navigator and it is something annoying !!

In the forums I found these parameters :<entry key=''>true</entry>...... <entry key='filter.invalid'>true</entry>..... and they work perfectly, what I would like to do, if someone has already done it, it is when this position arrives "214.7483648, -214.7483648" replace it with another that is different nothing else in the RUPTELA protocol

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You can probably use max speed filtering.

Excellent if it worked, Thanks Anton