How can we know if horizontal scaling is working well?

mason chak5 months ago

I have three servers: one for the database and two for Traccar instances. All servers are in the same IP range, and everything is working well. I configured horizontal scaling, but I don't know if it's working. Is there a way to confirm that horizontal scaling is operational? Perhaps through log reports or another method?

Track-trace5 months ago

Would be interesting to know how you have set that up in detail. Besides;

What OS do you use and which Loadbalancer. What does the config look like etc.

Track-trace5 months ago

In the past i asked @control taken to show me his setup with nginx but unfortunately he never replied.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Connect a device to one server and open web app on another server and see if you get live location updates. That's the easiest way to check.

Track-trace5 months ago

@Anton, doesnt that test only confirm that both traccar server instances read from the same database on the third Database server?

I mean, with horizontal scaling i imagine you would like to know if that load balancer devides the load (incoming data from trackers etc) between the two traccar server instances. Just trying to learn and understand how it works.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Live data is coming from WebSocket directly, not database. So it will only work if the synchronization between servers is working.

I guess it depends on what we want to confirm exactly.