how to set notifications default server ip or hostname

For notifications the email received comes with an url pointing to localhost
upon click event on Point it redirects to

how to set or where to change the $webUrl

email notification received

Device: Device2
Time: Thu May 11 11:11:23 CEST 2017
Point: 11.158071666666666°, 76.94424°

code for alarm notification

#set($subject = "$ alarm!")
<!DOCTYPE html>
Device: $<br>
Alarm:  $position.getString("alarm")<br>
Time: $event.serverTime<br>
Point: <a href="<strong>$webUrl</strong>?eventId=$">#{if}($position.address)$$
Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can set "web.url" parameter in the config file.