Huge amount of Same Gps date - time - location entry's shown in Historical Route.

Track-trace3 years ago

What might cause this huge amount of entry's shown in Historical Route. The picture shows just partially the entry's but actually it are more then 100 entrys shown for the exact same time and gps positon.

Its mysql database.
Traccar 4.8

Any idear why this happens and how to fix it ?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Either your device is reporting same location or it just sends heartbeats and Traccar re-uses last known location.

Track-trace3 years ago

Yes it does send Heartbeat (LK). And reports the position frequently. Showing the same exact time and seconds for so many entry's confused me.. But now i also see the next reported position change and time is hours later. Now i understand. Thank you for your quick reply.