I can't find /opt/traccar/web/app

DaveGG2 years ago

Hello Everyone, sorry for ask this in "duplicate" https://www.traccar.org/forums/topic/maximum-zoom-with-google-map-tiles/#post-75745
But I don't found this path on my OCI traccar server, opt/traccar just show me...

conf  data  jre  legacy  lib  logs  modern  schema  templates  tracker-server.jar

so I can't edit my mapMaxZoom.
Please can you hel me? Where is web/app.min.js. in my trccar 5.3 version?
Thank you so much.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Why are you duplicating questions?

DaveGG2 years ago

Because I checked that after asking in the first thread it did not appear in the post of the day.
Based on my question, do I need to do this to view web/app?

DaveGG2 years ago

Done, works fine, don't forget to the people delete last hour cookies to can see the effects in zoom.