I need to save money reply sms

DaveGG3 years ago

Sorry I'm lost looking for this solution.
Last night I entered my mobile sim company that I use for the gps device and I saw that they charge me the response sms of the device. € 6 in 2 days of testing : /
Can I (and I really need you to teach me how to step by step) send those sms to my mobile using traccar and not using the gps sim? In te manual notification i'm lost in the field that say User must have correctly configured (Phone field according to the SMS API requirements.) What phone, my phone, phone number of the sim gps...
I seek 0€/$ cost.
Thanks advance!

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Usually command responses are sent through the same channel as they come from. If you send SMS to the device, it will likely reply with SMS. If you send via data channel, it will reply through the same connection.

DaveGG3 years ago

Half understood, thanks mate.

Richard Acosta3 years ago

Lets see if I understood correctly.

You need/want to get rid of SMS costs.
First thing would be to config. notifications on traccar server via using the API Key.
Once done, you can disable device/GPS notifications and alarms via SMS, they will be sent via push notifications from traccar server.
My devices use around 1MB/month so phone carrier cost is almost nonexistant, 1SMS is twice and a half times the monthly price for the whole device usage.

If you want to go one step further, you can program commands on server (using web interface) to avoid SMS programming devices. Just give devices the APN and server IP/Domain while the rest can be done using programmed commands from traccar.

DaveGG3 years ago

You got it right :) It's exactly what I was looking for.
I have my API traccar key, so to configure the process there will be no problem.
One more question: fill in the phone fields. In the user tab, do I write my smartphone number there? And in the device area (gear), do I write the phone number of the GPS device (SIM card) ? ... Right?
Thanks mate.

DaveGG3 years ago

Sorry people but, That's really work in a demo server? Big question.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Push notifications are enabled on demo servers.

DaveGG3 years ago

That's true, I've prove.

Richard Acosta3 years ago

You don't actually need phone number if only want to use push notifications. I use it only for information purposes... :)