Import GPX problem

Occhiuzzi3 years ago

I have problems inserting the GPX track. I installed version 4.14 and when I import the GPX file the error returns: Value too long for column "AREA VARCHAR (4096)": "'LINESTRING (42.08053000000001 13.590510000000004, 42.08119000013582 13.59068999812642, 42.08185 13.59087, 42.0826800 .... 13.59087, 42.082680000001 .... ) "; SQL statement: UPDATE tc_geofences SET description =?, Name =?, CalendarId =?, Attributes =?, Area =? WHERE id =? [22001-200] - JdbcSQLDataException (... <QueryBuilder: 446 <DataManager: 435 <BaseObjectManager: 137 <...)

Thanks and good job

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

The error message seems to be pretty self-explanatory. You either need to reduce the size of your file or increase the column limit.

Piede Andrei2 years ago


I am having the same issue as Occhiuzzi when I'm trying to import a GPX file.
In my situation, reducing the number of points in the GPX file isn't an option because I have to verify if the GPS tracker respected an exact route.

Anton, can you please tell me where I can increase the column limit from?

Thank you very much in advance!

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

On the area column in the geofences table.

Occhiuzzi2 years ago

Hello. Unfortunately I don't know how to increase columns in geofence table. Can you explain which file to edit? I cannot decrease the size of the trace. Thanks and good job.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

If you're not familiar with SQL and databases, you either need to learn or find some professional help. Teaching SQL is a bit out of scope for a forum post. Maybe there are some visual tools you can use.