invalid version format...

David7 years ago

Hi Anton,

I had configured a Samsung S5 with proper data, and had received this error messages:

2016-12-15 12:56:54  WARN: [C7268580] error - invalid version format: ￀ - IllegalArgumentException (... < MainEventHandler:103 < *:92 < ... < ExtendedObjectDecoder:52 < ... < ReverseGeocoderHandler:48 < ...)

2016-12-15 12:56:54  INFO: [581BA572] connected

2016-12-15 12:56:54 DEBUG: [581BA572: 5055 <] HEX: 16030100910100008d030223b481b04ec512af667f47d21aa363dbb69202212ae819085df88a479fe1805600001ac009c00ac013c01400330039c007c011002f0035000500ff56000100004a0000001d001b0000186e656f657370656369616c697374612e64646e732e6e657400170000002300000010000b000908687474702f312e31000b00020100000a00080006001700180019

2016-12-15 12:56:54  WARN: [581BA572] error - empty text - IllegalArgumentException (...)

2016-12-15 12:56:54  INFO: [581BA572] disconnected

2016-12-15 12:56:54  WARN: [581BA572] error - empty text - IllegalArgumentException (... < MainEventHandler:103 < *:92 < ... < ExtendedObjectDecoder:52 < ... < ReverseGeocoderHandler:48 < ...)

2016-12-15 12:56:54  INFO: [D6BF7176] connected

and so on...

any ideas to fix it ?

Thanks in advance,


David7 years ago

I had changed the Encription mode to On, and worked fine...

Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

To use encryption, you have to configure HTTPS on the server side.