IOS application has no where by IP

Mega Box Brasil2 years ago

After hundreds of customers reporting the problem, I decided to take a closer look. I came to the conclusion that the URL bar is present but invisible.

Mega Box Brasil2 years ago

If you try to deduce the position of the URL bar on the screen, click and hold, you can even paste your URL

mysiak2 years ago

Ok, thanks.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

We never hide that field. I'm very confused why it's happening. It's also not reproducible on a local phone that I have, so not sure how to resolve it.

Mega Box Brasil2 years ago

No problem Anton.

But to help I can make you this statement: This problem is affecting hundreds and hundreds of users worldwide. The problem isn't that the URL bar doesn't exist, it's that it's as if it lost its layout properties. On the screen it looks like the field to put the IP is not there. But if you click where it should be, you can see that it is there, and you can even paste the ip and use the application.

It is not hidden (at the end of programming), but has lost layout and appearance properties in IOS 15

Mega Box Brasil2 years ago

I use google translator.

In the end I said that using the programming term, the object is not hidden. Looks like it lost its style (layout). But he is still there. But you can't see. But if you click where it should be, you can paste the IP. That is, it is there, but as if it were invisible

I think this information helps a lot.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Please try version 2.9.