Is a telephone number included in the data inserted by traccar?

realnumber9 years ago

I am looking at the documentation and especially the part where it shows what data is captured into the system. I have looked

SQL query to insert a single position record into the database. Following named parameters (must have colon prefix) are available:
deviceId – device identifier in the database (same as ‘id’ in database.selectDevice)
fixTime – date and time of the position fix
valid – true if location is accurate, false if location is incorrect or not accurate
latitude – latitude reported by the GPS device
longitude – latitude reported by the GPS device
speed – speed value in knots
course – heading/bearing in degrees
address – resolved address of the location (requires geocoder to be enabled)
protocol – name of the protocol
other – other data in XML format (for example, <info><odometer>1000</odometer></info>)

bu i cannot seem to find whether or not the telephone number providing gprs connection is included somewhere?.

Does the traccar server contain the telephone number in the insert?.


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

No, it doesn't. Traccar uses GPRS communication with tracking devices, so it doesn't usually know phone numbers of the GPS trackers.