Knos X Kmh in Attributes

Turbovix6 years ago

Could anyone provide a concrete example of how to change the reported speed of the device that is now knos to kmh in attributes?
Thank you very much in advance!

andsdoug6 years ago

I'd like too.. i really don't undestand this implemetations..

parelius6 years ago

Go to Settings --> Server --> Options --> Click + --> Select Speed Unit --> Select Km/h

Save, Close, Finish

Turbovix6 years ago

Dear Parelius this configuration no longer exists in version 3.15!

parelius6 years ago

Dear Turbovix, i have 3.15 and its present here....

there is no such option in 3.15 it was withdrawn after updating from 3.14 onwards. I'm also looking for how to change from kn to km

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You need to click Attributes button in server or user dialog.

my is selected in attributes even then arrives email saying kn

Turbovix6 years ago

KKKKK, completely different now .... Thanks Anton!

Go to Settings --> Server --> Attributes --> Click + --> Select Speed Unit --> Select Km/h

Save,Close, Finish

visiondrive6 years ago

My experience at first was the same - 3.14 to 3.15 did not show related attributes and settings were still options in server. With no action on my part this issue is now resolved.

visiondrive6 years ago

My issue was with speedUnits used in email templates - I revised this to be speedUnit (no s on the end) and it is working fine now.