lantrix problem ACK

Santiago7 years ago

I have a problem with a lantrix tracker, it sends the location normally but the server does not respond to the ack.
Could someone help me solve this problem?

2017-03-19 13:42:25  INFO: [20FA9953] id: AA01, time: 2017-03-19 12:57:43, lat: -27.48342, lon: -58.94620, speed: 0.0, course: 81.0
2017-03-19 13:42:35 DEBUG: [20FA9953: 5031 <] HEX: 3e5247503139303331373135353832342d323734383334322d30353839343632303030303038313330304646323030313b49443d414130313b23373345303b2a32303c0d0a
Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I would need documentation.

Santiago7 years ago

Attached link to the documentation provided by the manufacturer. On page 5 talks about the format of the ack, Unfortunately it is only available in Spanish. I hope you can help me

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Funny story. I have just implemented it yesterday.

Santiago7 years ago

My English is not very good with sarcasm. What did you mean to tell me?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

It's already implemented.

Santiago7 years ago

Should I download a more recent version? I'm currently using 3.10 or maybe it's another reason why it does not work for me.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

There is no more recent version. You should either wait for next release, or compile it from source code if you have enough technical knowledge.

Santiago7 years ago

I'll try! thanks for your time.

Santiago7 years ago

Eh I tried to compile myself and replace tracker-server.jar but I still do not respond correctly to the ack.

I have the doubt of doing something wrong. Maybe you can compile for me, to see if the problem is solved

Thank you

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I will compile it for everybody with the next release. If you need it urgently, send me an email to discuss it.

Santiago7 years ago

Dear, I managed to make my lantrix work with Traccar
But you have to modify some lines of your source code where
Make the ack string

I attach the lines that worked for me.
Maybe you want to add them to the next release: D

   if (deviceSession != null) {
            if (sendResponse && channel != null) {
                if (messageIndex != null) {
                    //String response = ">ACK;" + messageIndex + ";ID=" + uniqueId + ";";
                    //response += Checksum.nmea(response) + "<";
                    String response = ">ACK;ID=" + uniqueId + ";#" + messageIndex + ";";
                    response += "*" + Checksum.xor(response) + "<";
                } else {

            return position;

Santiago Ligenza

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I have already fixed a problem in ACK message.

Daniel Damico3 years ago

hola buenas tarde. mi nombre es daniel y estoy armando mi servidor con traccar, mi consulta seria la siguiente, tengo conectado un lantrix t1700 3g, me figura que esta llegando la seƱal en el traccar en el archivo log pero no me aparece en online, que puerto se utiliza para el lantrix o si tengo que modificar algo desde ya muchas gracias

Santiago3 years ago

Podrias ser mas especifico? y colocar loque ves es tu log ?